When you Pass Over my Tomb

by Sergio Blanco

Arcola Theatre


A must-see triumph! Challenging, stimulating, playful, thrilling, but above all, it defies categorisation.

Spy in the Stalls

Art, at its best, challenges an audience to see the world differently, and When You Pass Over My Tomb achieves this like nothing else I’ve ever seen.

A Young(ish) Perspective

Style and substance come together in Daniel Goldman’s production, a deeply thought-provoking exploration of love and lust beyond the grave.


An ambitious and inventive exploration of death and what the body offers when it no longer lives and breathes.


The nimble direction by Daniel Goldman is a masterclass in mind over meta. As the writing slaloms around one postmodern hairpin bend after another, he carefully delineates the different layers of reality.

The Guardian