The Rage of Narcissus

By Sergio Blanco

A Tangram Theatre / Pleasance Theatre co-production, Pleasance Islington.
Performed in English, translated from Spanish


A twisty, teasing piece of auto-fiction that is like finding yourself dropped into a storytelling labyrinth or a hall of mirrors full of distorting deceptions.

Lyn Gardner – StageDoor

The Rage of Narcissus is sure to create a frenzy, this is a masterpiece of storytelling that heaves and swells with dramatic impetus, while at the same time feeling very personal and accessible, thanks to Sam Crane’s outstanding performance.

Theatre Weekly

A gripping thriller, with the screws of incremental revelation and tension being tightened step by step to the ingenious conclusion.

British Theatre

There are so many fascinating and disturbing twists and turns in the piece that will literally keep you enthralled and on the edge of your seat for the full 90 minutes.

The Artiscape

A thoroughly enjoyable evening for those after something different from the standard play. Crane’s performance is outstanding.

The Upper Circle

A challenging yet cunning tale of sex, murder and autofiction.

QX Magazine

Simultaneously playful, formally inventive and coldly horrifying, The Rage of Narcissus is a rich meditation on vanity, mortality, and sex, wrapped up in a grisly thriller.

The Stage

The Rage of Narcissus is so layered, complex, and obsessed with questions of authorship that it felt totally possible that it could all be an elaborate death-of-the-author type fantasy.
